This painting shows how I feel when I get up in the morning and know I'll be out the door my studio at Kudzu Art Zone......what a great life I have!
I love to paint out doors......and feel the wind and hear the noises around me. This was painted on a dreary cold day in, what else could I do but put away all the gray paint and splat down all the bright and bold fun is that?
Happy Hollow-weeeen! I painted this acrylic painting a few years ago around favorite holiday! Be verrrry afraid!!
This is a self case you want to know how I look morning, noon and night.......notice, I really do wear a crown to bed!
This painting is 3 ft x 4 ft and is one of my favorites painted in acrylic.
I named this painting 'Diversity'.......just looking at it makes me smile.
ahhhhh.......a perfect day in Monteagle, TN......sunshine, surrounded by wonderful friends & a painting that practically painted itself. Such a happy day!
I have finally found what I am most passionate about......and I greet each day with my head full of ideas......painting makes my heart sing! I can be reached at